ROSA (or Robotically Obnoxious Serving Assistant), is a smart assistant (like the Amazon Alexa), except that it doesn't listen to you

The initial idea was created by Callum Blumfield, the code and development was done by Max Harrison. Vocals were performed and recorded by Evie Peacock

The main code is written primarily for Windows 10 and RaspbianOS, however should function on most, if not all, operating systems and platforms

Please refer to the main documentation for further support


ROSA is a smart assistant created in order to be annoying. That's it. Not much else tbh. She may be a bit useless, but will always be a barrel of sarcasm

The ROBOTICALLY OBNOXIOUS SERVING ASSISTANT is the result of many months of hard labour (translate: many months of debugging the installer) and enthusiasm (translate: laughter on the rare occasions it works, frustration at all other times)

Hope you all enjoy it, have fun, and send any issues, bug reports or feature suggestions to me, ideally via the GitHub issue system, or via email if you have issues with the issue logger


ROSA can be installed either from source or from a GUI installer (installer is Windows only). Links to both and more detailed guides can be found at the top of this page

git clone